NHRPA Committee Roles & Responsibilities

Committee Responsibilities as written in BYLAWS:

1. Committee chairs will send a committee report (when applicable) to the Executive Director prior to any business meeting for review by the Executive Board. Committee chairs should attend as many business meetings as possible to keep the board updated on committee happenings.

2. Each committee is assigned a liaison from the Executive Board to keep the lines of communication open between committees and the Executive Board.

3. Committee chairs will submit a program timeline by early November.

4. Committee chairs will submit an annual budget to the Executive Board upon annual request by the Executive Director and/or Treasurer.

Specific Tasks for All Committees

1. Committee chairs will work with the Executive Board liaison to recruit new committee members as needed.

2. Review and make recommendations for work plan updates at the summer meeting.

3. Hold at least one committee meeting to discuss work plan and goals for the year.

4. All committees that host a workshop or event must work to put together a project timeline for their event(s) and return to the NHRPA Executive Director in November annually.

5. Create and submit a budget to Executive Director and Treasurer annually in April.

"NHRPA " is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 172 Pembroke Road, Concord, NH 03301
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