Summer Camps 2020

  • 04/13/2020 9:11 AM
    Message # 8895888
    Deleted user

    Just checking in to see what everyone is doing about there summer programs at this time. Our you planning as normal or making different plans moving ahead with what is going on. Please let me know how you are handling this.

    Moved from Professional forum: 04/13/2020 9:32 AM
  • 04/14/2020 7:32 AM
    Reply # 8897688 on 8895888
    Deleted user


    The Seabrook Rec. Dept. is following the lead of the School District.  We are carrying-on with planning and hiring.  Registration begins May 4th.  

  • 05/04/2020 10:02 AM
    Reply # 8945481 on 8895888

    As of now in Hanover we are still planning for Summer Camp.  There will of course be modifications such as reducing group size, cancelling all field trips, as well as following best practice guidelines.  We are still trying to figure that last one out.  Ideas being considered: taking of temps of participants & staff upon arrival, wearing of face masks by all, dividing the camp up into different facilities.  If parents will be expected to go back to work this summer there will need to be child care options and with overnight camps closing our day camps will be a critical aspect of this.  Hopefully as we get closer to the summer we are able to do this in a safe responsible manner.

  • 05/05/2020 10:00 AM
    Reply # 8947745 on 8895888

    Does anyone know the requirements for applying to be an Emergency CHild Care Program?

  • 05/06/2020 3:07 AM
    Reply # 8949789 on 8895888
    We are currently planning to operate outdoor summer day camps with modification. I am wondering if others are still offering sport specific camps. CDC recommends against group activities and sports.

    Town officials have kept all park facilities including basketball courts and playgrounds open and at this time, are debating my request to close the public beaches. Our beaches draw residents and non-residents as we are only public beach in the area open to all.

  • 05/07/2020 11:25 AM
    Reply # 8953346 on 8895888

    As of now Haverhill Parks & Recreation will be holding off on opening our day-camp which is usually opens June 15.  We will revisit the topic at the end of May and continue looking for a safe date for a possible 'soft-opening' in the future. 


  • 05/18/2020 9:03 AM
    Reply # 8976908 on 8895888
    Matt Casparius (Administrator)


    The American Camp Association just finally released their long awaited field guide for operating Summer Camps. Below are the links to the document that they sent out



    Now available to you are all chapters of the educational resources developed by Environmental Health & Engineering, Inc. (EH&E), a Boston-based consulting firm specializing in environmental health. EH&E developed these resources with an expert panel of pediatricians, Association of Camp Nursing (ACN) experts, epidemiologists, infectious disease specialists, industrial hygiene experts, and environmental health scientists to assist camps with decision-making and implementation planning for this summer and beyond. The Field Guide for Camps on Implementation of CDC Guidance will continue to be updated as new relevant information becomes available. In addition to sharing these educational resources with the camp community, they will be shared with the Centers for Disease Control and state and local health departments, as well as out-of-school-time program leaders.

    All camp professionals should plan to join us for the next Town Hall, Wednesday, May 20, 2020, at 2:30 p.m. Eastern time to ask the expert panel questions related to these resources. The field of camp is wide and varied, and individual camps will partner with public health authorities to determine their ability to operate in person this summer. With this in mind, EH&E will also be hosting a Town Hall for state and local public health officials, Thursday, May 21, 2020, at 2:30 p.m. Eastern time. Please invite your local health official to join this Town Hall.

     ACA will continue to work in good faith for every camp, providing the camp community with new resources this week for virtual camp, camp in a box, new models for in-person camp, and camps that have already made the decision not to operate in-person this summer.



    Field Guide for Camps on Implem

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